
Meetings are open to the public. Members of the Amherst Human Rights Commission meet from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month. Meetings are held at the Bangs Community Center in the South Meeting Room 101 (located on the first floor). 
Winter/Spring meetings were set for Jan 17, February 21, , March 21st and April 18thall at 6 pm (note time change) at Bangs Community Center

Human Rights Commission Meeting
May 15, 2014, 6:30-8:300 pm, Bangs Community Center

Present: Gregory Bascomb, Liam Brodigan, Kathleen Anderson, Ingrid Askew, Emily Jung, Sid Ferriera, Liam Brodigan, Carol Ross
Absent: Damon Mallory,
Others: Deb Radway, Carolyn Gardner, Sonji Anderson; Michael Mongeau, Thomas Shuman
Meeting called to order by Gregory Bascomb at 6:30 pm

  1. Agenda Review/Additions:   
  2. Review of February meeting minutes:  April 16 and May 7 meeting minutes approved.
  3. Old Business
  • Ingrid reported on upcoming reading of Frederick Douglass speech.
  • Emily resigning position to go off to college
  • Damon staying on Commission until fall when he knows where he will be living.
  • Ingrid and Carol will request to be reappointed.
  • Summer Schedule-meeting before picnic on June 15, other summer meeting in July, no meeting in August.
  • Carol working with Thomas, who is interning for the summer, to develop topics and themes for street interviews (human trafficking & slavery, right to privacy, prisoner rights and conditions, wage theft and worker rights, health care, gun control, immigration policies, etc.)  Interviews to be conducted around Taste of Amherst weekend and a couple of others.  Seeking additional assistance.
  • Library summer reading program—additional books considered.  Anyone want to work with Carol? (no response).
  1. New Business
  • Racism in the Amherst schools-continued discussion of events affecting Teacher Carolyn Gardner, culminating in another event this week.  HRC did not meet after April meeting to discuss as it intended to.
  • Carolyn characterized her workplace as a hostile environment, hostility mostly from colleagues and from lack of communication from administration (timing of notifications, security workers, parent meetings and emails, lack of info on the investigation progress), School Committee and from the Amherst Police, who she has not spoken to at all.  We and I deserve time and space for a dialogue, and we are not getting it.
  • Emily- my family has directly experienced a lack of cooperation from the Police and School Administration when dealing with racism.
  • Sid-We met with the Superintendent at our January meeting, and she heard many of our concerns.  There needs to be a mechanism for telling people how she is dealing with things, her own performance evaluation being one tool.  Concerns persist in this community.  
  • Kathleen- a joint meeting of School Committee and HRC is needed.  We should send a representative to the next School Committee meeting to ask for a joint meeting in June.
  • Sid to talk to Greg (who had left the meeting) about next steps.  Carol asked what the plan would be and are we ready for such a meeting?  

Meeting adjourned 8:25 pm.  A new notetaker, or note taking rotation will need to commence next meeting.

Deborah Radway



May 7, 2014, 5:30pm-6:30pm, (Special Meeting) First Floor Meeting Room, Town Hall 

Present: Gregory Bascomb, Carol Ross, Lois Raj, Liam Brodigan 
Absent: Damon Mallory, Ingrid Askew, Sid Ferreira, Kathleen Anderson, Emily Jung 
Others: Deb Radway, Frank Gatti and Thomas Shuman Georgetown University student, resident of Amherst) 

Meeting called to order by Gregory Bascomb at 5:30 pm 

1. Agenda Review/Additions: None. This is a special meeting of the Human Rights Commission called to review Commission position on Article 36 Annual Town Meeting (drones) and a few other items. 

2. Prospective Intern Thomas Shuman introduced himself and stated his interest in work with for the Commission during the summer. 

3. Drones Article. Petitioner Frank Gatti explained most recent motion, which is now split into 2 pieces- Part A and Part B. Part A is regarding drones within the Town of Amherst and Part B is regarding international use of drones to intentionally kill. After discussion, Commission votes 3 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention to support Part A, and then voted 4-0 to support Part B. 

4. Community Engagement: Carol Ross opened the discussion. Community Engagement to include set up of camera at Subway intersection and solicit sound bites of people talking about human rights issues. Thomas volunteered to assist in engaging the community in a productive and progressive way. We can be forward thinking, unifying and positive, using social media and video to promote the dialogue and capitalize on the issues and energy that recent political campaigns generated. 

5. Summer Reading Program: Carol and Greg agreed to collaborate with Jan Ryan and Kim Stender on community reading program. Deb offered that Ingrid also thought the Douglass speech would be a nice addition for older youth to read. 

6. Deb Radway was asked to develop guidelines for internships. 

 Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. 

Deborah Radway 

April 16, 2014

Present: Kathleen Anderson, Damon Mallory, Sid Ferreria, Lois Raj 
Absent: Liam Brodigan, Emily Jung, Carol Ross, Greg Bascomb, Ingrid Askew 
Others: Deb Radway, Director and Alisa Brewer 

Meeting called to order at 6:45 pm 

1. Agenda Review/Additions: None. 

Old Business: 
1. World Café now referred to as Community Summit, coming together and taking shape—early \November, focusing on undoing racism, with standout draw at beginning and ending sessions and action steps by community in between (Kathleen). Potential speakers being approached. 

2. Review Town Meeting article on Drones—the motion presented by the petitioners has been 
modified from what the Commission voted to support. Those present preferred to reaffirm their 
support of the original petition and refrain from actively supporting new version until they have had a chance to review it. 

3. Human Rights Awards Picnic—June 15, Mill River-noon. Kathleen volunteered to approach local Baha'i group for assistance with food. HR budget to supply most of it, with potluck from members. The request for Awards nominations has been circulated at the schools and is on the town website. More discussion needed at next meeting.

4. Commissioners present requested project updates from Ingrid, Carol and Greg and asked that time be set aside for Commission to discuss its own processes, projects and priorities. 
5. No votes were taken. 

Adjourn 7:40 pm

April 2, 2014, 6:30-8:30 pm, First Floor Meeting Room, Town Hall 

Present: Gregory Bascomb, Carol Ross, Kathleen Anderson, Ingrid Askew, Damon Mallory, Sid Ferreria, Lois Raj 
Absent: Liam Brodigan, Emily Jung 
Others: Deb Radway, and approximately 13 residents and guests 

Meeting called to order by Gregory Bascomb at 6:30 pm 

1. Agenda Review/Additions: None. This is a special meeting of the Human Rights Commission called to review recent events at the Amherst Public Schools and to consider a Human Rights Commission response. 

2. Commissioner Carol Ross opened the discussion. “All eyes are on us” and we have the opportunity to engage the community in a productive and progressive way. We can be forward thinking, unifying and positive, using social media and video to promote the dialogue and capitalize on the issues and energy that recent political campaigns generated. We know that Carolyn Gardner’s situation is part of a bigger problem in the community, there are systemic problems, economic and class problems in Amherst, in the United States. Let’s be innovative, creative futuristic, not reactive. We need new ways to unravel old perspectives about what racism means—a World Café like energy but with more control over the narrative. 

3. Sid Ferreria- The system failed, and now we are holding students accountable because we failed them? This does not make sense. Schools do not have the tools to deal with their situations. Until we unravel the layers we cannot affect change. When part of the community is not happy, it affects the Town and people do not want to live here. It is NOT a HAPPY VALLEY and there will be economic consequences when unhappiness exists. 

4. Kathleen Anderson- there is a history of racial bias in the Amherst Public Schools, there are verbal attacks and sabotage against Carolyn Gardner. It is a frustrating time. We need to address the issue before us, and not move from one incident to the next. We need sustained and ongoing actions to bring about systemic change in the school district. Need regular articles or column about racism in newspaper every week. Every teacher must be required to attend training. 

5. Damon Mallory- need to reach out to young people too, they use other media. Youth are different in the presence of adults. Community needs to step in. Create a message and allow it to be talked about. Engage the people who get it and expand the circles. 

6. Various Guests speak individually – 

a. I work at UMASS College of Education.  Not enough people of color want to become teachers. It’s not a black vs white issue, my Asian community does not know racism exists. 

b. This is about power and you need to initiate and use the methodology of a campaign. Have to disrupt business as usual to force the conversation. Start with who you have relationships with and build concentric circles to change belief systems and dynamics. I can help. 

c. How can we get white teachers into training? They should not get licensed, hired or keep their jobs if they have not been to training. Training starts at the top. Need to fight for curriculum that promotes equity. If leaders promote equity all will get in line. 

d. Conundrum of people who “don’t get it” vs the people “who are feeling it”. 

e. Take personal responsibility. Advocate for those you care for, don’t let others define your destiny. Maintain high standards. Teachers of color in the schools do not feel support from their own community. 

f. I feel anger at things going on in the schools- I am a strong woman, a good parent, but I see wrong things going on. Something has to be done. 

7. Ideas: Use film and media to engage people; Amilcar Shabazz is soliciting ideas for an Amherst Media forum. 

8. Greg Bascomb - Dialogue has begun and needs to continue, but meeting has to move on to its other topic. 

9. DRONE PETITION to Town Meeting- Without discussion, a motion was made and seconded to endorse the Petitioned Town Meeting Article on drones. Vote was 6 in favor-0- opposed and 1 abstention. 

10. Chair Bascomb asked for another Special Human Rights Commission meeting to be scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, in order to continue consideration of Human Rights Commission response. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. 
Deborah Radway 
Note taker

March 20, 2014, 6:30-7:00 pm, Bangs Community Center 

Present: Gregory Bascomb, Liam Brodigan, Kathleen Anderson, Ingrid Askew, Emily Jung 
Absent: Damon Mallory, Sid Ferreria 
Others: Deb Radway 

Meeting called to order by Gregory Bascomb at 6:30 pm 

1. Agenda Review/Additions: 
2. Review of February meeting minutes: February 2014 minutes accepted with clarification on meeting agenda language with Superintendent of Schools 

3. Old Business 
 Right to Organize Article for Town Meeting—Greg will present, and will correlate article to United Nations Declaration. 

4. New Business 

 Human Rights Commission is being asked to co-sponsor an education program on April 29th at the Middle School in relation to the citizen town meeting petition article on drones. There will be a video and a presentation. Greg has been asked to co-facilitate. Commission approved co-sponsorship. 

 Ingrid Askew is working to develop an Amherst presentation of the Frederick Douglass play The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Negro, time frame to be around the 4th of July. 

  Meeting Adjourned 7:00 so that the Mass Fair Housing “Housing Discrimination Tester Training” could get underway. 

Deborah Radway 


May 16, 2013, 6:30-8:30 pm, Bangs Community Center (yet to be formally approved)

Present: Gregory Bascomb, Emily Jung, Lois Raj, Liam Brodigan, Kathleen Anderson, Carol Ross Absent: Ingrid Askew
Others: Deborah Radway, Nora Turriago, Damon Mallory, Tracy Lee, Amilcar Shabazz

Meeting called to order by Gregory Bascomb at 6:39 pm

1. Agenda Review/Additions: Interest in organizing an anti-racism film series; media and video for
community involvement in Other Business. Carol Ross to attend Amherst media training.

2. Review of April 2013 minutes/acceptance: April 2013 minutes accepted.

3. New Business:


• AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISCUSSION: Guest Tracy Lee – Echo Village Tenants
Organization – building was sold, new owner does not want Section 8 voucher holders so families were asked to leave, very little affordable housing in Amherst, Warrant Article Petition is asking town to acquire property. There are multiple ways to go about it. Similar situation happening with Rolling Green. Select Board received majority vote for support, next step is going before the Town Meeting. Echo Village has handicap accessible units and is well maintained – want to maintain affordability of such housing! Family Outreach is supporting the tenants’ organization. HRC was invited could speak at the Town meeting on behalf of the warrant article. Commission decided it would be appropriate for members to attend Town Meeting to demonstrate its support of affordable house as a Human Right, but it would not take a stance as a Commission. Received handout of suggestions for action.

• JUSTICE FOR JONAS: There was a good resolution for Jonas. Carol will contact
Northampton HRC to see if they are interested in sustaining an ongoing dialogue.

• BHM: Damon thinks BHM is very important during the school year, would like to expand it
further into Five Colleges. Lots of encouragement to continue this effort.

• HRC AWARDS PICNIC/JUNETEENTH: Amilcar Shabazz present at the meeting to share his vision for a New England version of the Juneteenth Celebration. Focus will be broad and open with a Celebration of Freedom for people of all backgrounds, with a youth focus- read poetry, spoken word, local bands, 6 hour program, and youth to share art and culture, recognition of youth, food. He invited HRC to participate. Multiple Questions about location, food permits, cooking, and appropriateness of combining broad scope of HRC Awards picnic with such a historically significant event. Commissioner Anderson was a strong vocal proponent of event separation and for the Commission to stay within traditional parameters and hold a separate ceremony honoring our youth Others saw opportunity to strengthen the event through collaboration, a broader platform and more people. Discussion over Juneteenth and whether and how it should be separate from the HRC Awards - one large event with distinct separation between activities. It was proposed that this separation could best occur by assigning the last 1-2 hours of the event for the HRC award, and having a distinct separation. Liam Brodigan made a motion to join with the Juneteenth planners and create a distinction between the two ceremonies. APPROVED, UNANIMOUS.

• We need more nominations for the award! Kathleen and Leslie to do outreach to schools.
Lois and Liam agreed to serve as the Nominations review committee, and Carol Ross agreed to help with logistics.

• Meeting Adjourned 9:04 PM
Emily Jung, notetaker

December 20 2012, 7-9 pm, Bangs Community Center

Present: Reynolds Winslow, Kathleen Anderson, Liam Brodigan, Lois Raj, Carol Ross, Ingrid Askew
Absent: Emily Jung, Gregory Bascomb
Others: Deborah Radway, Leslie Saulsberry

Meeting called to order by Chairman Reynolds Winslow at 7:03 pm
A Moment of silence for those who gave their lives, or whose lives were taken in Newtown

1. Introduction of New Commissioners:
Introduction of and welcome to new members Carol Ross and Ingrid Askew who introduced themselves and provided some background information on their experience and interest.

2. Agenda Review and Additions: Request to put the Human Rights Blog on the town website with other blogs. (Editor’s note: October minutes stated need to improve the appearance of the blog before we advertise its existence; has this happened and is this still accurate?)

3. Minutes for November meeting are with Emily Jung. Still Pending.

4. Student Commissioner Report-no meeting of student members since last meeting.

5. Coordinator’s Report (Leslie Saulsberry): Lots going on, working with various departments on how they are managing their interactions with the community-helping them to see needs and fine tune how they can address those needs; for example, working with inspectors on how to address language barriers by helping them to get information out to the community in advance of inspections; acting on a recommendation for hosting an Open House at Town Hall; assisting the Police Department to develop and sustain healthy relationships with community groups-setting up social engagement opportunities for police officers.
Also received one citizen complaint from a woman who asked the Town Clerk’s office to notarize a witnessing of a Mississippi absentee ballot being cast. Woman was not entirely clear up front to Clerk’s office on her need and was not observed voting with the ballot in question, and it was sealed in an envelope before such witnessing could occur. Town Clerk’s office could not notarize the document and voter was upset. The coordinator was asked to forward the Commission the submitted email from both parties involved.

6. Director’s Report (Deborah Radway) December 10 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Vigil was a success, with 15-17 people gathered on the common for a community reading.
January 1st 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation event is set for 2 pm on the Common, with bell ringing, reading of the Select Board’s proclamation.
MLK Commemorative Breakfast is on Saturday Jan 19 at 8:30 am at Middle School. Follow-up vigil on Monday, January 21 on Town Hall steps at noon will feature Michelle Brooks-Thompson, vocalist.

7. New Business:
Retreat-a time for Commission to get to know each other better, to plan work, and make commitment to a schedule. To be held on a Saturday at the Senior Center. Options of March 16, 23 or 30 discussed. Russ Vernon-Jones has been approached to moderate, will need to check dates with him.

8. Black History Month Event-Carol Ross and Ingrid Askew led with ideas to expand the activities of the Commission to include a major event to Paint the Town for Black History Month, to put Amherst on the map nationwide. Commission would collaborate with school children and business community to decorate windows of downtown businesses with representatives of the Diaspora. LSSE would be asked to be involved. Subcommittee of Carol, Ingrid and Kathleen has been working on the proposal.
Suggestion to do outreach to Stavros and the Veterans Community to involve them with event.
Suggestion to involve Amherst Media and Video Vanguards as well.

9. Other suggestions to get the Commission and the Community more involved in Human Rights are a quarterly film series; a human rights ad campaign, street video blogs on the website, a more active web presence, the 2013 Human Rights Day Celebration and a logo design contest.
Lots of new positive energy!

10. Announcements: Chairman Winslow announced he had sent a letter of resignation from the Human Rights Commission to Debra Roussel, effective December 21, 2012. He has moved out of Town. Silence filled the room followed by inquiries and discussion of the struggle for Amherst to provide a community for African Americans.

11. Annual holiday potluck followed.

* Meeting Adjourned 8:50pm


For the October 18, 2012 meeting Commissioner Anderson attended the talk by Van Jones, civil rights activist, attorney, author of Rebuild The Dream and co-founder of four non-profit agencies.  Following are notes from that event:

From Van Jones' talk at UMass:

Mr Jones began talking about the current situation in which we find our country: 
Dominate Paradigm
1. consumption based economy, nixed production
2. economy based on credit rather than thrift & savings and conservation
3. economy that works on environmental destruction and dead stuff ie fossil fuels (referenced Annie Leonards' work "The Story of Stuff")

Jones went on to talk about the Green Economy being the way out, stating that we face disaster because of:
1. polluters who put big $ behind big lies
2. cynicism
3. you. no appetite for democracy, the real work of democracy not just using an app or a social networking site to pass along information but moving our bodies in support of change.

"We need a President who can be moved and a movement willing to do the moving."  He talked about Occupy Wall Street as being the change agent that affected government in 2011;  how people during the civil rights era of the 1950's & 60's Occupied the buses and lunch counters, occupied the walkways and roadways to create a movement for change.  He encouraged people in the audience to again support Occupy to change the direction in which our country is headed.  He stated that America is being robbed by corporate greed.

Jones repeatedly talked about the need to change to a "green" economy and energy system, siting Germany and Norway as examples of countries forwarding this technology.  He mentioned that 80% of the green energy business supported by the Obama administration are growing and expanding.  He mentioned the Green Growth Alliance.

Ended by encouraging everyone to take action to vote.

Present that evening was a young woman video taping the entire speech.  If Commissioners would like to view this film I can track it down for us.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Anderson
http://kdqanderson.blogspot.com/ "Supporting Teaching and Learning for a Just Society"