
Meetings are open to the public. Members of the Amherst Human Rights Commission meet from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month. Meetings are held at the Bangs Community Center in the South Meeting Room 101 (located on the first floor). 

Human Rights Commission Meeting
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Mill River Recreation Area 12: 00 noon

Agenda  (In spite of our best effort this meeting did not take place.)
Agenda Review/Additions

Review and Approve Minutes of May 15, 2014

a.        Human Rights Awards Picnic responsibilities and schedule (All)
b.       June 28, 2014 Reading of Frederick Douglass play (Ingrid)
c.        Mental Illness/Disabilities initiative (Carol/Lois)
d.       Other updates
e.        Summer Schedule

Other Business:   Any other topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate 48 hours before the meeting


Temporary meeting day/date and location change: August 22, 2013

Lower Level Meeting Room, Bangs Community Center, 6:30- 8:30pm

Agenda Opening/Welcome:

Agenda Review/Additions

Old Business:

o Review and Approve Minutes of May, 2013

New Business: o Continuation of Discussion from February Retreat-focusing on Community Engagement

 Discussion of events for 2013, 2013-2015:

Priority Partnerships identified at February meeting-housing, colleges, Black History Month, Disability Awareness Month, Veterans, Video-Arts, Youth, community arts, World Café, MSAN conference; Police Department

Other Business: Any other topics the Chair did not reasonably anticipate 48 hours before the meeting

Next Meeting: September 19, 2013

HRC Human Rights Commission (9 members/3 yrs) (Staff Liaison: Radway) 

Kathleen Anderson          2006 2015 
Ingrid Askew                   2012 2014 
Gregory Bascomb, Chair 2013 2016 
Liam Brodigan                 2012 2015 
Emily Jung                       2012 2015 
Lois Raj                          2006 2015 
Carol Ross                      2012 2014
Damon Mallory               2013 2016
Sid Ferreira                     2013 2016

HRC Meeting Thursday, December 20, 2012
It's our Annual Pot Luck Affair sans food coordination.  
Meet our two newest Commissioners, Ingrid and Carol! 
Bring  something to share finger food, drinks, snacks, etc.

If everyone brings a problem! problem!Bring a friend, spouse, past commissioner.

Select Board Persons, Fire Chief, Police Chief et al are invited.

HRC Meeting
Bangs Community Center
December 20, 7:00 to 7:45 (Holiday Celebration to follow)

Opening / Welcome 
Agenda Review / Additions
Minutes: November Minutes / Acceptance

Old Business

  HRC Brochure / Update / Bascomb
  HRC Blog / Update / Anderson
  Affirmative Action Policy / Saulsberry / Radway
  Recruitment Strategy Projection @ Black Sheep / Saulsberry
  Emancipation Proclamation / Amherst' Bells @ 2PM,  1/1/ 2013 / Update / Commissioners Presence?
  Report: Declaration of Human Rights Reading / Attendees / Saturday Event (NOT)

New Business

  MLK Town-Wide Celebration / Proposal: Climate Change Effects / Panel: Human Right?
  Black History Month Event / Ideas / Discussion   Personal Sharing / Pre-cursor to Retreat / Continued...
  MLK Town-wide Event, Planning / Proposal: Climate Change Effects: Human Right? /
       Education / Sub Committee?
  Black History Month / Event / Planning  [Speaker / Panel / Music] Sub Committee?
  Personal Sharing / Pre-cursor to Retreat / Continued...Ross, Askew
  New Developments 2013
  Student Commissioner's Report / Anderson / Jung / Brodigan

 HRC Coordinator's Report / Saulsberry

 Director's Report / Radway 

  Father Max Acttine from Haiti : Motorcycle / 100 Students / New Building
  NAACP President: Anderson

Next Meeting: January 17, 2013 (Happy New Year)

Adjournment: 7:45 PM

Seasonal Celebration 7:46 PM

Closing: 8: 55 PM
HRC Meeting  November 15, 7:00 PM
Bangs Community Center 

Opening / Welcome 
Agenda Review / Additions
Minutes: October Minutes / Acceptance
Old Business
  South Sudan / Update
  HRC Brochure / Update
  HRC Blog / Update
  Affirmative Action Policy / Update
  Recruitment Strategy Discussion / Leslie

New Business
  Retreat; Winter...Spring / Discussion
  Emancipation Proclamation / Amherst' Bells @2PM,  1/1/ 2013 / Update
  Dec 10, Vigil / Saturday Program
  MLK Town-wide Event, Planning / Proposal: Climate Change Effects: Human Right? /
  Black History Month / Event / Planning  [Speaker / Panel / Music]
  Personal Sharing / Pre-cursor to Retreat / Continued...
  Student Commissioner's Report / Anderson / Jung / Brodigan

 HRC Coordinator's Report / Saulsberry
 Director's Report / Radway 
  Father Max Acttine from Haiti visits Amherst area 10/19-10/29??????????

Next Meeting: December 20 /Party / Expanded / Recruitment?
Closing: 8: 55 PM