Student Achievement Nights: May 8 & May 17, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The 2nd Annual African American Achievement Night

6:30 pm  
Amherst Regional High School Auditorium 
21 Mattoon Street

District administrators, faculty, staff, students, families and community members will gather to celebrate the academic, extracurricular, musical, athletic, and community service accomplishments of students in grades K-12.  Music, dance and spoken word performances will enhance the event.

Friday, May 17, 2013

7th Annual Latino Achievement Night
6:30 pm 
Amherst Regional Middle School Auditorium
170 Chestnut St.

Dr. Marta Guevara, Director of Student Achievement & Equity, cordially invites you to attend the 7th Annual Latino Achievement Night.  
District administrators, faculty, staff, families and community members will gather to celebrate the academic, leadership and community service efforts of students in grades K-12.  All Latino paraprofessionals in the districts will be honored as well. Music, dance and spoken word performances enhance the event.