The Amherst Human Rights Commission (HRC) has as one of its missions to ensure that no power goes unchecked, and that all citizens are afforded equal protection under the law. The Amherst HRC is charged with the responsibility to inform and educate the Amherst community on varied local as well as global human rights issues.
The Human Rights Director, in conjunction with the Human Rights Commission and Town Government, seeks to promote economic and social justice for all citizens through means of mediation, education, and enforcement of local, state, federal, and international human rights laws. Ultimately, its aim is to move toward compliance with the standards set by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document increasingly referred to as customary international law, by which we all must abide.
Commissioners are Amherst community volunteers appointed by the Select Board and sworn in by the Town Clerk for the Town of Amherst. Any Amherst citizen is encouraged to apply. At full capacity, the Commission has nine members.